Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I am sorry I have been absent for so long. I now live in Philadelphia, and I teach at an inner city high school in North Philly. I work at a brand new school, which is very nice, and I have a smart board to work with now! I live in a pretty nice house, and I have already planted a garden, which was destroyed by a heavy rainstorm hours later. Life has been hectic lately, and I feel very detached from the impending doom of having dozens of students whose names I will need to learn and for whose education I will be responsible. I work at an empowerment school, which means that it has not been performing well for so long, we are being watched like hawks, and tested and retested to be sure we are improving- and we are not. I also teach 11th grade, which is the grade that is tested the most, so I will be watched a lot. So I hope this goes well. I appreciate any comments. Talk to you soon


Brad Anderson said...

Welcome back Ben!!!

Clark and Katie said...

good luck remembering all those names, you could never get mine straight!

Brimhalls said...

You live! I would love to read more about your school. Miss you.